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Reunion 2010 Report

by Jamie Poindexter, Reunion Coordinator

The reunion was held July 25th at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Edina, Missouri. Thanks to everyone who attended and help make the potluck, conversation and activities successful as we all game together from as far away as Wisconsin, Oklamoma and Florida to celebrate our heritage.

  1. We had a smaller crowd than usual, about 55 attending. We had a great variety of food at the potluck and broke even in th ebank account thanks to John Boltz of Kahoka, MO balancing out the shortage.
  2. Robert Pulse of Oklahoma and his wife attended for the first time, having found our web site since the last reunion. He brought his computer and scanner whith which he scanned some documents that others brought with them. We will be posting these on the web site soon. He also displayed a family tree chart based on what is in the Boltz database.
  3. Mryna Wear is the treasurer and asked for a volunteer to be her assistant and add a second name to the account at US Bank. Nancy Platz volunteered, thank you Nancy!
  4. Alice Snyder asked for someone to work with her on the mailing list.
  5. Jamie Poindexter gave a presentation on what is currently on Ancestry.com about the ancestors of our immigrant, Johan Michael Boltz. There are several other Ancestry members that have developed trees. The trees all fall into two possible lineages but none of the trees indicate their sources. In fact, is likely that there were two people that determined different ancestors for Johan, and other Ancestry members got a leaf and attached one of these two threes to their own, propagating any errors and lack or source citations. Robert volunteered to be the keeper of the database now that Carolyn Gerard has retired from the position. He plans a visit to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City in the near future and will seek further information. Jamie's PowerPoint presentation on one of the lines in Ancestry.com can be viewed here.
  6. Before closing the meeting portion, everyone agreed that we should hold the next reunion in 2012. Myrna Wear volunteered to look into other halls that we could hold the meeting in.
  7. Everyone then went outside for a group photo:
    1. 14"x5" 2Mb 8 megapixel resolution
    2. 8"x3" 800Kb reduced
    3. Photos during the reunion

Do you have digital photos from the reunion? Send a few good shots to Jamie for posting here.





© Boltz Family Members
who are descendants of Johann Michael Bolts and his wife Maria Barbara Lauten and their three children
who came into the U.S. in October of 1737 at Philadelphia.
Public Records shown on this site are not copyrighted by us.

Our Reunion Coordinating Committee


Web site hosted by Jamie Poindexter, jamie@boltz-family.org